What's the name of this crew?...
In celebration of one of my all time favourite Hip Hop groups and De La Soul's more than twenty years in the rap game and their New Zealand tour (they have been here three times now, but I'm not going to the show, due to money issues) here is a 24 track compilation I did up first in 2006 to celebrate them touring NZ at the time, I also did a tribute show on The Weds Nite Jam (which is around somewhere)
I was meant to put up this up years ago, but you know how time goes by and you forget things, but I will never forget De La, man the first time I heard 3 Feet High and Rising (damn where was I?) it blew my mind, an old friend Kory.H got the tape sent over from the US and told me that if I liked the Jungle Brothers-Straight Out The Jungle album, that I was going to love this album (thanks K)...he got the tape in... I think late 1988 and he did me a dub (recorded me a copy off another tape deck, yeah a tape deck remember those b?..high speed dubbing even ha ha)

I first listened in my headphones on my walkman (with Dynamic Bass Boost) and it was the quirky and clever samples, the dope beats and the funny way Posdnous aka Plug Won and Trugoy The Dove aka Plug Two were rhyming that got to me, but then it just became an album I loved listening to from start to finish and through later years, I would listen to it and notice things I hadn't noticed before, Prince Paul was/is indeed a genius producer and was a very important of De la Soul as a group.
De La Soul had won me over and became my favourite group alongside EPMD, NWA, Ultramagnetic MC's and Public Enemy so when it was announced in 1991, the year the great De La Soul Is Dead album was released, that they were coming down under, I was crazy excited, in all honesty the show wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but I still enjoyed it and hearing "Say No Go", "Eye Know", "The Magic Number" and "Potholes In My Lawn" live was pretty damn special.

You know what I enjoyed more though? Watching P.A. Mase aka Plug Three doing an over two and a half hour set on the Wednesday Nite Jam (Props to Active 89 FM) with Mikey and Vicious from the MVC Posse, we moved the show to a Friday night, especially for the event, I got to meet and watch Mase destroy the turntables and hear play him play classic after classic (Brand Nubian, KMD, Doug E Fresh and many others).
I got to see Mase sink Elephant beers and order pizza up to the studio, I got to get Mase-O (what goes on?) a record he needed so he could do doubles from my bag and I am such an idiot that I didn't even have a camera then to document it all.(I do have tapes of the show though).
Vee, held the fort down on the mic and presenting tip, because I was, really excited that Mase-O was there and nervous at all of the people in the studio and in the lounge area (a lot), so props to Mikey and Vee, that was an ill night, did we get lime milkshakes afterward?, I can't remember :P
I got to hang with Mase and laugh along with his crew as they held competitions to win dates with members of thier entourage (Jimmy Dean Sausages), one girl (yes you Narissa) rang up and embarrassed the shit out of me and I think she did actually meet a dude, I knew her quite well, and it was either Mase or one of his crew (Dove and Pos were at the hotel listening) that told me I was going beetroot flavour when she was on the phone LMAO
I did end up meeting Pos and Dove, up at an old Nightclub, Naked Angel (R.I.P.) and I think from memory I took my NME poster up to the club with me and go it signed by them all, now I was lucky enough to be the support DJ for them in 2006 and I took that poster with me and in a brief moment, showed Pos and Dave, they looked at me first like, "oh you want us to sign this for you" and I said "no, you already did back in 1991", and then I told them that "Mase and his crew came over and took over/Hi-jacked a radio station" and Pos and Dave looked at the signatures on the poster and their faces lit up with smiles.
The infamous NME poster

I love De La Soul, and my favourite albums are:
3 Feet High and Rising
De la Soul Is Dead
Buhloone Mind State
Stakes Is High
Thank you De La, for being a part of my life for so many years, your music has helped me through some hard times, your music has inspired me, your music has left me with great memories,your music has given me so many great moments, whether from playing it on the radio, out in clubs or in my headphones and on my stereo, your music is timeless, sincere and dope and I thank you very much for that.
For the record, I have been enjoying De La's project with Nike, Are You In? and you should check that out
CRDS Presents:De La Soul-Rare, Remixes and Other Dope Shit…
1-skip to my loop
2-freedom of speak
3-strictly dan stuckie
4-brainwashed follower
5-ghetto thang(ximer)
6-aint hip to be labelled a hippie
7-whats more
8-de la soul - chanel no. fever
9-mack daddy on the left
10-de la soul - i cant call it
11-say no go (say no dope remix)
12-de la soul ft yankee_b - itzsoweezee (de la remix)
13-talib kweli - soul rebels (ft. de la soul)
14-de la soul - stakes is high (9th wonder remix)
15-de la soul - sweet dreams
16-de la soul - stakes is high (unreleased promo remix)
17-handsome boy modeling school - if it wasn't for you
18-de la soul feat. mos def -& truth_enola stakes is high (remix)
19-de la soul and da beatminerz-the hustle
20-de la soul and dj honda-trouble in the water
21-h.m.b.s_ft_dave_and_del-the projects
22-queen_latifah_ft_de_la_soul_ mama gave birth to the soul children